
Board of Trustees

The Nantucket New School is a non-profit institution governed by a committed volunteer board of trustees.

2023-2024 Board of Trustees
Courtney McKechnie | President
Craig Beni  | Vice President
Michael Ericksen | Treasurer
Brian Herlihy | Assistant-Treasurer
Carlisle Jensen | Clerk
Gail Berson
Shantaw Bloise-Murphy
John Brescher
Gretchen Cooney
Grace Bardsley Hull
Will Lucas
Doug Massey
Jason Olbres
Jack Pearson
Ray Pohl
Eugene Shubin
Jamie Strang
Sarah Alger | Trustee Emerita
Prentice Claflin | Lifetime Trustee

2023-2024 Committees 

Executive Committee 
Courtney McKechnie, President*
Craig Beni, Vice President
Michael Erickson, Treasurer
Brian Herlihy, Assistant Treasurer
Carlisle Jensen, Clerk

Building and Grounds 
Responsible for planning and decisions related to building improvements and maintenance, safety, and future facilities needs.

Craig Beni | Chair
Ben Champoux
Lori Corry
Jason Olbres
Ray Pohl
Eugene Shubin
Chris Young

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Responsible for supporting the community’s growth as a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization through professional development, events, presentations, and connections. 
Will Lucas | Chair
Valeria Alonzo
Gail Berson
Shantaw Bloise-Murphy
Gretchen Cooney
Brian Herlihy
Drew Moore
Morgan Raith

Development/Marketing & PR
Responsible for supporting the administration on setting the annual development calendar and fund-raising efforts including special events, annual giving, business sponsorship, and other giving efforts.  Supporting the administration with a marketing plan, which includes social media.
Gretchen Cooney | Chair
Tracy Bakalar
Grace Bardsley Hull
Courtney McKechnie
Kate Olson
Jamie Strang
Claire Winship

Responsible for reviewing the annual budget, including recommendations to the full board regarding tuition, reviewing the annual audit, and for otherwise ensuring the fiscal health of the school.
Michael Ericksen | Chair
Brian Herlihy | Co-Chair
Lori Corry
Douglas Massey
Dorinda Yates 

Responsible for the identification, cultivation, recruitment, and orientation of new board members. Also responsible for Board Evaluation.
Craig Beni | Chair
Carlisle Jensen

Risk Management
Review the policies of NNS/SW.
Lori Corry | Chair
Chris Getoor
Jack Pearson

Strategic Planning
Leading the development of a strategic plan with the cooperation of the Executive Director of NPC.
Carlisle Jensen | Chair
Gail Berson
Brian Herlihy
Douglas Massey
Jamie Strang
Ray Pohl

Audit Committee
The audit committee is given authority by the board of directors to provide accountability for the nonprofit's independent audit and annual financial review.
Gail Berson | Chair
Eugene Shubin

President and ED of NPC serve as ex-officio of all committees.