
Partnership with Strong Wings

2010 marked an historic event for two of Nantucket’s most cherished and vital non-profit organizations: the merger of The Nantucket New School and Strong Wings Adventure School. For years, our two organizations had collaborated on programming, shared building space, and worked to support each other’s unique but, in may ways, similar missions. Under the guidance of two dedicated Boards, our organizations were combined under the umbrella of the Parents Cooperative of Nantucket (now the Nantucket Partnership for Children.) Together, united under a shared administration, our organizations have implemented more efficient fiscal practices, maximized the use of space in our two beautiful buildings and shared properties, and most importantly strengthened our ability to nurture, educate and support the growth of Nantucket’s children in meaningful and lasting ways. We have managed to do all of this while maintaining the integrity and spirit each organization’s missions, and expanding the depth, scope, and quality of our programming. We are very proud of how far we have come and what we have accomplished for the children and families we serve.

We have a strong and dedicated Board, an experienced, passionate administration, and a gifted, diverse and energetic faculty. Our two combined organizations provide a unique educational experience; catered to mind, body, and spirit. Together we create one, efficient and diligently managed institution. We provide a diverse and holistic program which has helped Nantucket’s children discover and realize their full potential for over twenty years. We look forward to the next twenty years with great excitement.
Please visit the Strong Wings website to learn about our year-round outdoor programming.