
Giving to NNS

Annual Report of Giving

Gifts to the Nantucket New School’s Annual Fund and special events raise a significant portion of the Nantucket New School’s operating budget. Simply put, it is because of the generosity of our donors that we are able to offer an outstanding education to our students. Annual donations help to pay our teachers’ salaries, fill the classroom with books and supplies, fund field trips on and off the island, and enrich our students’ day with art and music instruction.

A primary goal for NNS is to keep the school’s tuition as low as possible, thereby attracting a student body that reflects the diversity of our island community. In order to achieve the goal, the development office has selected a number of ways for our families and friends to give.

Each year, we host several special events and fundraisers including: the Harvest Bash in November, the Summer Event in July, and the Great Nantucket Duck Race in the spring. In addition to these events, we raise funds for our Annual Fund through the generous support of our families, alumni, and friends of NNS. Please consider making an online gift to the Nantucket New School.

There are ways to give to NNS besides a monetary donation:

  • Gifts in kind
  • Volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the
Director of the Annual Fund,