

If you are a graduate of The Nantucket New School School you will always be a member of The Nantucket New School Community. You are one of a distinguished small group of people who have a wonderful and memorable shared experience – teachers who cared, friends for life, unforgettable camps and field trips and hopefully a love and appreciation for excellence in education and the arts that will last your entire life.

To entice you back to campus we have a number of annual events (that you, no doubt will remember) and some new events planned especially for Nantucket New School alumni. As a valued member of The NNS Community, you are invited to attend all of these events!

We also encourage you to keep in touch with us to let us know where you are and what you are up to. Have you recently graduated, gotten married, started a new business, relocated or just want to say hello? Drop us a line! We would love to hear from you. If you are looking for friends or teachers from The Nantucket New School, we may be able to help you find them. Contact The Development Office with your news, updates and inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Reconnect with Alumni and stay up to date on NNS news and events at our Facebook page.