
Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is at the heart of the Nantucket New School’s fund raising efforts. Not only does it allow us to raise necessary funds for operations, but it is also a direct way to communicate to our families and friends. Each year, we solicit funds through letter and phone campaigns and now we are delighted to offer Online Giving. We hope you will consider making a gift to the Annual Fund.

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Why is there an Annual Fund?

    The Nantucket New School solicits funds for the Annual Fund in order to give our faculty the resources they need to provide an outstanding education for our students. All gifts to the Annual Fund are unrestricted and go directly to support the school’s operating budget.
  • What does my Annual Fund gift support?

    Annual Fund dollars are used to support all of the activities and programs offered by the school. Your contribution will go directly to supporting our experiential education opportunities, programming in arts, music, and physical education, classroom supplies and equipment, building and campus improvement, tuition assistance and more.
  • Why is my gift important?

    Each year, NNS relies on gifts from parents and friends to the Annual Fund. We are a small school and we count on each and every donation to allow us to offer the best education possible to our students. In addition, foundations that might consider a grant to NNS will look closely at the rate of parent and community Annual Fund participation as a gauge of the strength of the school. Please consider making a gift to the Annual Fund.