News & Updates 11/6/20

From Todd:

OK. Everyone out there leads a very busy life right now, but you all need to make some time in your morning at 9:45 on Wednesdays and Fridays to attend a Morning Meeting. I get it- Zoom meetings can feel very different, and for the most part we all probably spend way too much time staring at a screen right now, but trust me on this one- come to a Morning Meeting. 
This year, school and home are probably more separated than ever before. I think we all know that our students are engaged and finding joyful moments at school, but our new students have had very few, if any, opportunities to be with a parent in these buildings. Sadly, no student has been able to show a parent their new desk or their cubby. Although we have art hanging on the walls, no student has been able to pull a parent to the bulletin board and say “that is a picture of our picnic at the beach.”  That is where our Morning Meeting comes in. 
When a first grader sees dad, or grandma, pop up in a tiny cube on the projector screen and they make eye contact, the response is identical and beautiful: their mouths open and the frantic waving begins, always with the fingers spread wide. Don’t be embarrassed, because every adult on the screen is doing the same thing.
At first, I didn’t understand the excitement: drop-off was less than two hours ago!?! How can this morning Zoom moment generate this kind of overwhelming excitement? But then I realized... Your child is quickly welcoming you to their school, their class, and their friendships, and even a brief virtual drop-in at Morning Meeting allows them to share a place where they spend seven hours each day in a caring and respectful classroom, and where, thankfully, each week is starting to feel a bit more normal for all of us. Your invite is below.
Morning Meeting: All are Invited!
Wednesdays & Fridays at 9:45 a.m.
Meeting ID: 871 3016 6484
Passcode: 4rraWa

Have a great weekend.
Todd Eveleth, Head of School

Nantucket New School