
Parents Community Association

Mission and Purpose

The active participation of parents in the life of the Nantucket New School is a core value of the School and has characterized the School’s culture since its inception in 1985 as the Parents’ Cooperative of Nantucket. While the School has grown and evolved since then and has become increasingly self-sufficient in executing its day-to-day operation, it still relies heavily on parent volunteerism to fully accomplish its mission.

The Parent Association is meant to support both the School and the parent community in their common goal of providing an outstanding education for its students. The organization has three primary responsibilities:

  1. Coordinate volunteer efforts to assist the teachers and administration of the School in the execution of the program. Specifically, identify parent volunteers at each grade level to serve as “room parents” to assist with field trips, special projects, extracurricular activities, and other endeavors.
  2. Identify the interests and needs of the parent group and coordinate opportunities for parent education events throughout the year; these events might range from internal discussion groups to question/answer sessions with teachers to presentations by guest speakers.
  3. Create opportunities at various points during the school year for parents to come together on a primarily social level.

The structure and operation is expected to evolve according to the needs of the School and with consideration for the needs and interests of the parent body. All parents are members of Parents Association and are invited and encouraged to participate.